*022. LSEG Walking Team

Walking is not dead
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91% reached of total of €1,500

We are participating in the 50km of the Oxfam Trailwalker 2024 in Dieppe this year ! An extraordinary sport challenge consisting in walking 50km, in less than 15 hours, in teams of 4 and without relays!

The objective ? Tackling poverty and inequalities around the world. Oxfam Trailwalker is not only about walking and challenging yourself mentally and physically, it is also a fundraising effort to support Oxfam France's actions. We need to raise at least 1000 € to support this NGO. Oxfam works everyday on tackling poverty by changing minds, systems and lives.

We need you ! Please support us! Use our teamspace to make a donation and help us fight poverty!

Thank you!

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